co-authored publications
co-authored publications
Comparing Well and Geophysical Data for Temperature Monitoring within a Bayesian Experimental Design Framework
Water Resources Research, R., Compaire, N., Lesparre, N., Ramgraber, M., Laloy, E., and Hermans, T. (2022)Comparing Well and Geophysical Data for Temperature Monitoring within a Bayesian Experimental Design Framework
Chemical Indicators and Conformal Mapping of Flow Fields for Groundwater Source Identification in an Urban Watershed
Science of the Total Environment under reviewWeatherl, R., Ramgraber, M., Hollender, J., and Schirmer, M. (2022)Chemical Indicators and Conformal Mapping of Flow Fields for Groundwater Source Identification in an Urban Watershed
Estimating surface runoff and groundwater recharge in an urban catchment using a water balance approach
Groundwater Journal DownloadWeatherl, R., Henao Salgado, M. J. H., Ramgraber, M., Möck, C., and Schirmer, M. (2021)Estimating surface runoff and groundwater recharge in an urban catchment using a water balance approach